These features are common to all versions.

Spread components handle spreadsheet data at the cell, row, column, or worksheet level. Software developers use the components to embed Microsoft Excel-compatible spreadsheet features into their applications, such as importing and exporting Microsoft Excel files, displaying, modifying, analyzing, and visualizing data. Windows Forms: Install DirectoryFileDescriptionC:Program FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6DocsWindows Forms-Documentation files for Spread Windows FormsC:Program FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6Resource Portal-User interface to a collection of samples, help, and links to videos and articlesC:Program FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6Windows Forms-Product directoryv6.FarPoint Spread is a suite of Microsoft Excel-compatible spreadsheet components available for. See for information on redistributing thefpclient files.To provide the Designers, the following files are also placed in the global assembly cache (GAC).į. XSkins-Directory for user-created sheet skinsProgram FilesCommon FilesFarPoint TechnologiesfpclientfpspreadVersion-specific folders(6 0 x x)Files required for control display and appearance,for example, for the command barThe installation creates a virtual path for this folderin the default Web Site in the local IIS server. For issues with the MVC sample, refer to.v6. XSamples-Samples for the specified version of Spread ASP.NETThe installation creates a virtual path for the samplesin the default Web Site in the local IIS server. formulas Excel filecompatability control .dllChart control designer .dllFarPoint Spread designer .dllFarPoint Spread extender assemblyXML FilesText for IntelliSense supportin Visual module for redistributinga project usingSpread module for redistributing a projectusing Spread ASP.NETv6. XBin-Product Spread for Web Forms Spread assembly for ASP.NET MVC 3 support - installed to v6. By default, Spread.NET installs the following files on your system: Install DirectoryFileDescriptionProgram FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6-Company directory for installed productsProgram FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6Common-Directory for files common to GrapeCity productsProgram FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6DocsCommon-Documentation files for the Formula ReferenceSpread ASP.NET files: Install DirectoryFileDescriptionProgram FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6DocsASP.NET-Documentation files for Spread ASP.NETProgram FilesGrapeCitySpread.NET 6ASP.NET-Product directoryv6.