QC makes use of the hands and minds of the employees who are working in the organization. Employees and their knowledge are the most precious resource for the organization. Quality circle involves employees in solving problems and taps their knowledge effectively.

Management can provide this type of environment through quality circles. Both the organization and the employees can benefit from participative management since the management does not possess the expertise which the employees have, and vice versa, but together they can make the best decisions for all concerned. Participation in decision making process which affects the employees’ work life is one of the keys to making the goals of the organization congruent with the goals of the employees. As the employees resolve problems, management gains a new respect for their capabilities, and as their suggestions are acted upon, the employees can see their influence on the work process, which gives a real basis for job satisfaction and new attitudes. In simplest term, QC causes a situation where management backs and gives the employees the suitable training and the time to help solve the work related problems. This in turn leads to enrichment of their work life. In reality, QC is a practical application of McGregor’s theory ‘Y’ which says that people enjoy and take pride in their work if they are given the right environment and the decision making power. QC is a people building concept which is based on the proposition that employees doing their jobs are experts in their field of activity and thus are in a better position to identify, analyze, and resolve the work related issues through the innovative and unique ideas. This is because through the employees all other resources are converted into products. Quality circle (QC) also sometimes being called ‘quality control circle’ considers employees as the greatest assets of the organization. Quality Circle – An Effective Tool for Management Employee group, management, QC, QC concept, QC mechanism, QC objectives, quality circle, training ,.

Quality Circles – An Effective Tool for Management