
Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy
Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy

Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy

Some have chosen to walk the path of denial, others have opened their hearts to the winds of change. Whilst the confusion this has brought may appear chaotic, you must remember that this is the negative effect of the illusion dissolving – a prime example of cognitive dissonance. For those with open hearts, an invitation to awaken the 5th Dimensional Self has been offered. A new and higher dimensional order is crystallising through the living stream of the Ascended Masters. If you’re a little late for the party, the 19:19 Crystal Matrix in unison with the new Telektonon codes demonstrate that the dimensional shift most certainly did occur, and through this shift, a crystal path has been laid for us where core beliefs of the old patriarchal paradigm are being dissolved piece by piece. They have come to shatter the false illusion of Babylon Planet. Their twin ascension triggered the release of the new crystal codes – codes which were once of heavenly origin have fallen like angels to Earth. The Twin Pyramid Hologram transmission of Pakal and Tz’akbu has undone the Riddle of the Stone that was spoken of in the Telektonon. A collective initiation rite has been endowed upon us from the Progenitor archetypes Pakal Votan and Tz’akbu Ajaw, of the mythical citadel of Palenque, repeated in love by their future selves, Valum Votan and Bolon Ik. In these final 119 days, piece by peace, we will discover the true meaning behind the mask of the White Queen of Palenque. We have been called upon to look deeper into the mystery that we have all been initiated into by meditating upon the roles of archetypes who brought us to the wisdom, in the Realtime as in the Dreamtime. She was the mother of the Palenque Dynasty, and holder of the sacred lineage of Bolon Ik.

Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy

119 is a powerful number to meditate upon, because there are exactly 119 individual pieces of malachite (not jade as previously claimed by some) that form the mask that was found in the tomb of Pakal Votans one and only wife, Queen Ix Tz’akbu Ajaw in Temple XIII, Palenque. Today, we are 119 days away from the Omega point of the Dreamtime Telektonon.

Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy